May 20, 2014
Vote with the League! Yes on Props 41 & 42
You can make a difference! Be sure to vote in the statewide election on June 3.
Help your friends and family by recommending Yes on Prop 41 and Yes on Prop 42!
The League of Women Voters of California has recommendations on both of the measures on the statewide ballot in June. Print and share our popular Vote with the League flyer!
Vote YES on Propositions 41 & 42!
We support both statewide propositions on the June 3 ballot:
- Prop 41 will make available $600 million of existing bond funds for affordable multifamily supportive housing for low-income and homeless veterans. All Californians should have safe, adequate housing.
- Prop 42 makes access to public meetings and public records a constitutional requirement for local governments. Help us spread the word that this a common-sense measure that prioritizes transparency. It makes it clear that keeping information open and publicly accessible is a basic cost of doing business for local governments.
Your vote matters! Here are a few ways you can help encourage participation in the June Primary Election:
- Share our messages via social media! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
- Print and share our Vote with the League flyer with friends and family.
- Visit and share the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund Web site for more information on the ballot measures.