May 27, 2014
The Chronic Absence and Attendance Partnership
AB 1866 (Bocanegra): Pupil Attendance – SUPPORT
The Legislature’s enactment of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and other recent efforts have rightly focused on student attendance, chronic absence, truancy, restorative practices, school climate and student engagement. All of these have been elevated by the Legislature knowing that children must be in school to succeed.
Unfortunately, several issues significantly obstruct the Legislature’s goal of monitoring Chronic Absence as one of the LCFF state priority measures enacted last year.
AB 1866 would address the following concerns and the Legislature’s goal of monitoring Chronic Absence as one of the LCFF state priority measures:
- California is one of the four states that does not collect attendance in a way that enables a thoughtful analysis of needs, or outcomes, particularly for high priority populations.
- CALPADS fields must be added to accommodate the transfer of attendance data, benefiting highly mobile students when transferring from district to district, as well as to provide a statewide mechanism to support the districts with the automation and accuracy of the LCFF accountability plans.
- Districts need a common definition and understanding of the Legislature’s intent when it included Chronic Absence as a state priority.
- Bay Area Council
- Children Now
- California State PTA
- California School Based Health Alliance
- League of Women Voters of California
- Fight Crime: Invest in Kids California
- The Education Trust West
- Partnership for Children and Youth
- Alliance for Boys and Men of Color
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