February 25, 2013
Open government is good government
Sunshine Week is March 10-16, 2013. Join us in a nationwide discussion about the importance of access to public information and what it means for you and your community.
Get Started
Need an idea boost for Sunshine Week? Check out examples of FOI in Action http:// sunshineweek.rcfp.org/ foi-in-action/ and find resources in our Idea Bank http:// sunshineweek.rcfp.org/sw13-idea-bank/ and participants' Toolkit http://sunshineweek.rcfp.org/toolkit/
Get Connected
Join the ever-growing roster of Sunshine Week participants http://sunshineweek.rcfp.org/partners-2013/ and check out the events calendar http://sunshineweek.rcfp.org/events/ to find out what's happening during Sunshine Week.
Get Social
Follow Sunshine Week on Twitter for updates on open government news and toolkit resources for participants. Find us @SunshineWeek.