Vote-By-Mail Process: Too late to mail it; drop it off in person!


Here are some important tips for voting by mail:

  • Vote-by-mail ballot request period ran from October 9 to October 30.
  • Voters can check the status of a vote-by-mail ballot by going online in most counties.
  • VBM ballots must be received, not postmarked, by Election Day to be counted.
  • VBM ballot envelopes must be signed by the voter in order for the ballot to be verified and counted.
  • Voters can return VBM ballots in person at any polling place in their county on Election Day.

Starting October 9th, voters should look for their sample ballots and VBM ballots in the mail. If these materials do not show up fairly soon, it's a good possibility you are not registered at your current address. You can register online to change your address up until October 22nd.

Our website has online tools to look up information about all contests on your ballot and where your polling place is. Many County Election Offices have online information about your vote-by-mail ballot and registration status.