June 2012 Presidential Primary Election Calendar


The California Secretary of State has posted the Presidential Primary election calendar. Are you ready? Please see this link for information regarding the June 5, 2012 Presidential Primary. Voter Service will be closely watching the 1/26/12 deadline for the Legislature to qualify initiative measures for the June primary ballot. Other highlights from the lengthy calendar are:


  • 1/26/12: Last day for an initiative measure to qualify for the Primary ballot and the last day for the Legislature to adopt a constitutional amendment, bond measure or other legislative measure in order for the proposed measure to appear on the Primary ballot in June, 2012.
  • 2/7/12: Last day for submission of arguments for or against each qualified ballot measure to the Secretary of State.
  • 2/13/12-3/9/12: Period in which all non-presidential cnadidates must file their declarations of candidacy for office and circulate their nomination papers and deliver them to the county elections official for filing.
  • 3/24/12: Secretary of State posts on its website the party preference history of each candidate for the preceding 10 years.
  • 4/21/12: Last day for county elections official to mail ballots to absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters.
  • 4/26/12-5/15/12: Secretary of State mails state Voter Information Guides to all households in which voters were registered by April 6, 2012.
  • 4/26/12-5/26/12: County election officials mail sample ballots.
  • 5/7/12-5/29/12: Applications for vote-by-mail ballots are available from county election officials.
  • 5/21/12: Last day to register to vote in the Primary election and to send in a notice of change of address within a county.
  • 5/22/12-5/29/12: Any person who becomes a citizen after the 15th day prior to an election may register to vote beginning on the 14th day prior to an election and ending on the 7th day prior to Election Day. This registration must be executed din a county election office.
  • 5/25/12: Counties having the necessary computer capability may begin to process their vote-by-mail ballots on this date. This process may be completed to the point of placing the ballot information on a computer tape, but under no circumstances may a vote count be accessed or released until 8:00 pm on June 5, 2012.
  • 6/5/12: Election Day--polls will be open from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.
  • 7/3/12: No later than this date, county elections officials must complete the vote canvass, certify its results and submit them to county boards of supervisors.