VICTORY! SB 100 Jumps a Big Hurdle


SB 100, climate change, Kevin deLeon, California, League of Women Voters, zero carbon emissions

California is a step closer to 100% zero-carbon fuels for electricity generation by 2045! On July 3, SB 100 passed out of the Assembly Committee on Utilities and Energy with eight votes.

This is a wonderful step forward after a long wait. SB 100 was first introduced last year where it passed the Senate, moved to the Assembly but did not move out of the Assembly Committee on Utilities and Energy. It was reintroduced in 2018 but with no public action until it was amended in June. And now, success! It passed that Committee.

Keep up the support! The Legislature is on recess July 6 to August 6. Now SB 100 will go to the Assembly floor for a vote. If it passes the Assembly it will return to the Senate for concurrence.

We need to keep up the pressure. Tell your Assembly members to vote YES on SB 100! On Twitter? If you contact your elected officials via Twitter use the hashtag #ActonSB100 and #Readyfor100.

We strongly support SB 100

  • Although difficult, it is necessary. Burning fossil fuels is not only polluting our air, it is changing our climate even faster than scientists predicted. If we do not quickly reduce use of fossil fuels, the cost to the economy caused by climate change could be crippling.
  • It is doable. California is already moving quickly to reduce fossil fuel sources for electricity. We are currently on track to reach 50 percent zero-carbon sources by 2020, a decade before required by SB 350 (De León).
  • SB 100 allows for unforeseen circumstances. By requiring 100% “zero-carbon” and not “renewable”, changes in technologies that we have not yet discovered are allowed, such as successful sequestration of fossil fuel emissions. Also, the bill allows modifications to goals if they cannot be reached or are too costly by 2045, such as an unpredictable surge of demand for electricity as we expand the use of electric transportation.
  • SB 100 sends clear guidance to business. There is a distinct benefit to send a clear message to business that the goal for 100% zero-carbon by 2045 has significant support, giving business clear direction for planning.
  • A majority of Californians support SB 100. There is strong public support for achieving 100 percent zero-carbon electricity as demonstrated in a July poll by the Public Policy Institute of California finding that SB 100 has the support of 76 percent of Californians, with overwhelming majorities across both parties.

What else can you do?