Prop. 54 will make Legislature more transparent, accountable


Yes on Prop 54, voters first, transparency, accountability, sunshine, government

There are times when an issue is so important, people from all points of view come together to demand change. This is one of those times. Proposition 54 will bring transparency to our state Capitol by putting voters first and reducing the influence of the special interests.

We learn in civics class how a bill becomes a law. However, while most bills follow this process, there are too many exceptions. A bill can be stripped of its original language and replaced with entirely new language on a different subject, mere hours before it’s rammed through for a vote. This maneuver, usually at the behest of a few special interests, often happens literally in the dead of night, before the public or even most legislators can read the new bill. These sneaky last-minute changes often result in ill-conceived policies benefiting only an exclusive few. Read the entire op ed in the Sac Bee.

Vote with the League and vote YES on Prop 54. Here's why: