December 23, 2014
The League of Women Voters of California is on the front lines fighting for voting rights in our state. Despite the growing influence of money in politics across the country, we’re making progress here in California.
We can protect our democracy against big money, and it’s not too late for you to help. Please join our grassroots members and donors – and make a gift today.
This year, we celebrated major victories with the passage of SB 27 to close the “dark money” loophole and SB 1253, which provides California with a clearer and simpler ballot initiative process. With your help, in 2015 we will:
- Sponsor and support legislation that improves the disclosure of campaign funding and outlaws ethically dubious practices.
- Push for measures to protect the voting rights of minority and underrepresented groups and clarify the voting rights of people in the criminal justice system.
- Continue our work with the ACLU of California in the Scott v Bowen lawsuit to reverse a Secretary of State memo restricting the rights of people affected by realignment.
This is your last chance to be a force for change in California by donating in 2014. Please make your contribution today so we can hit the ground running in the new year.
Helen L. Hutchison, President
League of Women Voters of California