Please Comment on the California K-12 Civic Learning Task Force Recommendations


All members of the public are invited to provide feedback about these recommendations  and to engage key local and regional stakeholders and opinion leaders in the conversation about access to quality civic learning in your area. All you need to do is read this short set of recommendations. We encourage you to focus on questions such as:

  • What do you think is very important in the recommendations?
  • What do you think is missing or incorrect in the recommendations?
  • Considering your viewpoint (teacher? student? school official? parent? other?) how do you think stakeholders in the same role as you can get involved in supporting the recommendations?
  • What can you personally committ to doing which will help make these recommendations a success?

How Do I Provide Feedback?

Feedback should be submitted using the Task Force's Facebook Page, Twitter, or Tumblr pages online; by calling the  Superintendent's Initiatives Office at 916-319-0554; or by using our contact form.

Please be sure to clearly indicate you are providing feedback on the civic learning recommendations.

What Is The Regional Civic Education Task Force?

The Task Force was established by California Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson, to bring definition to the skills, knowledge, and dispositions that our students need to be informed and engaged citizens and community members, and make recommendations for how we can achieve these outcomes for all students in California. Co-Chaired by the Honorable Judith McConnell and Sacramento County Superintendent of Schools David Gordon, the Task Force has drafted a number of recommendations regarding standards, assessments, and accountability; teaching and curriculum; families, communities and businesses; and funding.

How Can League Members Get Involved?

Join our Civic Education Yahoo Group to talk with other members across the state. Create a civic education issue group in your local League for discussion, forums, writing articles for your Web site and newsletter, and more. Review these recommendations and provide input in any of the many ways listed above.