April 25, 2014
Videos of the Pros & Cons for June Ballot Measures are Ready!
In partnership with The California Channel, The League of Women Voters of
California Education Fund has produced pro and con videos on each of the ballot
measures to help educate voters for the June 3 election.
These videos can be found on the LWVCEF YouTube Channel.
Need more information on the ballot
Read about Proposition 41 and Proposition 42.
What else is on my ballot?
Visit www.SmartVoter.org and enter your address to get your entire ballot for June 3.
What is The California Channel?
The California Channel is a public service to provide Californians direct
access to “gavel-to-gavel” proceedings of the California Legislature.
How do I register to vote?
Do it online in ten languages. Read more about online voter registration.