Donate to be part of the Leadership Circle 2013


Can you guess what these four influential community leaders all have in common?

  • John Hancock, President of the California Channel: provides live and archived unbiased, uncut coverage fo all three branches of our state government.
  • Carrie Gann, Executive Director of CAUSE (Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment): empowers the Asian Pacific Islander American community through voter registration, education, and leadership development.
  • John Howard, Editor of Capitol Weekly: a longtime journalist who has innovated online, e-newsletter, television and conference coverage of political issues in California.
  • Dean Logan, Registrar-Recorder and County Clerk for Los Angeles County: manages the largest county election jurisdiction in the country with more than 500 political districts and 4.4 million registered voters.

Along with millions of California voters, they rely on the League -- and the League relies on you! Will you be part of the 2013 Leadership Circle and make a gift of $1,000?

Donate Now!

Your contribution will ensure the state League has a big impact this year in vital areas including campaign finance reform, civic education, and election reform. With your support, we'll recruit and train new leaders and support our members who are working across California to engage voters and improve public policy.

Like our members and our donors, the League of Women Voters of California is special. With over 90 years of ethical public policy leadership, a commitment to study, and deeply held values of fairness, accountability, and inclusion, we are unique and not easily replicated.

Please join me in making a generous donation today. Together we can continue to provide services and leadership for a new generation and ensure the best possible future for all Californians.

With gratitude,

Jennifer Waggoner headshot smiling in profile

Jennifer A. Waggoner

President, League of Women Voters of California


P.S. Monthly donations to the Leadership Circle are here!

You can now sign up as a monthly donor and charge a portion of your Leadership Circle contribution to your credit card each month. It is easy!