November 5, 2012
The Secretary of State’s office said California's new online registration system may have contributed to an all-time high of 18.2 million registered voters (The percentage of registered voters held steady at about 77 percent; too many people are still sitting out elections). More than 1 million people registered online since it went live in September. More than 60 percent of users were younger than 35, according to an analysis by Political Data Inc.
What can you do to help these new voters?
We've found in our experience that turnout can double when a community-based approach is followed. You can read more about the latest research on our site. Here are the highlights for getting new and busy voters ready to vote:
What they say --> What they mean
- Don’t like the choices --> Don't know the candidates/issues
- My vote won’t count --> Don't feel own opinion matters
- Takes too much time --> Don't know how to vote
- It’s inconvenient --> Intimidated by the process
This research also revealed “performance anxiety” across all voter types:
First–Time Voters
- Many can’t read the official Ballot Pamphlet or Sample Ballot*
- They feel uncertain about what will happen at the polling place
- Voting feels like taking a test
More Experienced Voters
- Wait until the night before to “cram”
- Feel they can’t fulfill their “duty” to be well-informed on all the races
What People Asked For
These audiences were asked what they wanted to get ready to vote. Both new and experienced voters asked for more user-friendly nonpartisan information.
New voters also asked for:
- Reasons why to vote, from a peer perspective
- Hands-on training about how to vote
- Basic information about what they are voting on: choosing a party, types of elected officials, job descriptions, etc.
California is stronger, safer and more vibrant when everyone participates. Do your part to get everyone involved this election. Please donate to the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund to support our critical work.