Submit Testimony for First Draft Maps by May 23rd



The California Citizens Redistricting Commission is calling for the public to submit their testimony on the drawing of district boundaries no later than May 23rd in order to be considered by the Commission for the first draft of district maps. Along with census data, publicly submitted comments will be used to assist the Commission when it begins drawing district boundaries. 


The public can submit their testimony online, by fax, mail or at a public hearing.


The public is encouraged to present testimony about the community they live in, describing the kind of people who live there, important issues, community centers and community history. Speaking up about their community is critical to ensuring district lines are drawn to keep their community whole and grouped with nearby communities with similar interests.


The Commission would also like to know about communities which do not share common interests which could be placed in another district.


The Commission encourages the public to submit written testimony by e-mail at votersfirstact [at], fax at 916-322-0904 or by mail to the Citizens Redistricting Commission, 1130 K Street, Suite 101, Sacramento, CA  95814.  Once the testimony is received it is posted online, given to each of the Commissioners and catalogued by the Commission's line drawers.


Public Input hearings continue around the state. Consult the commission website,www.wedrawthelines for meeting locations and schedules.