Marilú Guevara


Marilú Guevara, League of Women Voters of California
Nature of Involvement: 
Off-Board Leader
Nominating Committee
Email Address: 
mguevara [at]
Local League(s): 

Marilú has almost 20 years of experience working in civic engagement and empowering communities as a promoter of higher education and voter resources. Prior to joining the League of Women Voters of Los Angeles in 2010, where she is currently the Executive Director, she worked on behalf the Department of Education to administer Title IV funding. Marilú has worked with mayoral and senate-level campaigns and Get Out the Vote grassroots efforts. Currently serves on the Action Civics L.A. Partners Board, is a member of the Los Angeles County Community & Voter Outreach Committee and is First Vice President on the LWV Los Angeles County board of directors. She has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of California Irvine and a Masters of Arts from California State University Long Beach, both degrees in Political Science.